Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matthew 5:4
The Ascension of Our Lord Bereavement Ministry coordinates efforts to care for those who are grieving following a death or other significant loss. This ministry is about “being there” for others.
Hospital Visitation: If you, a family member, or another parishioner is admitted to the hospital please inform the hospital (at the time of admission) that you are Catholic and would like to receive the Sacrament of Communion. Please inform the AOL Church Parish Office also of your hospital admission by calling (985) 652-2615.
Preparing for Good-Bye: Bereavement Ministers offer comfort and support to those approaching death or who are gravely ill as well as their families and loved ones by sharing their faith and trust in our Lord and offering:
Funeral Services: Funeral arrangements should be made by the family with the Parish Office prior to making final preparations with the funeral home.
Ongoing Care: Bereavement Ministers schedule an Initial Visit with the family of the deceased and then over the course of the first year following a loss, the ministry members will send monthly messages, cards, and plan supplemental personal visits with the family. The program is very flexible and has been found to be helpful to family members following the loss of a loved one. The Bereavement Ministry Program follows the guidelines designed by Ave Maria Press®.